Beat The Winter Blues
As the days get shorter and the weather gets colder, it can be easy to feel a little blah. Winter can sometimes feel like a long, grey tunnel, but don’t worry! We’ve got some easy ways to kick those blues.
1. Soak Up the Sun (Even When It’s Chilly!)
One of the best ways to lift your mood is to get outside early in the day. Even if it’s cold, a little sunlight can work wonders. Bundle up and take a brisk walk or enjoy your morning drink outside. Your body will thank you for the fresh air, and that little dose of sunshine can help boost your vitamin D levels—hello, happy hormones!
2. Get Your Vitamin D Fix
Speaking of vitamin D, if you’re not getting enough sun, consider adding a supplement to your routine. This little vitamin is like sunshine in a bottle and can help combat those winter mood dips. Just make sure to chat with your doc before starting any new supplements!
3. Catch Some Extra Zzz’s
Winter is the perfect time to prioritise your sleep. With shorter days and longer nights, it’s natural to feel a bit sleepier. Going to bed a little earlier can help you recharge and keep your mood in check. Plus, more sleep can boost your immune system—essential during cold and flu season.
4. Get Moving!
Physical activity releases endorphins, those little mood boosters that can help chase away the winter blues. Plus, it’s a great way to stay warm!
5. Connect with Friends
In winter, it can be so tempting to stay inside and hibernate especially when it’s dark and cold but spending quality time with your favourite people can be the perfect remedy for a low mood.
6. Nourish Your Body with Warm Foods
When it’s chilly outside, nothing beats a warm bowl of soup. Eating warm and nutritious foods can provide essential nutrients to keep your mood up and energy levels steady. Try to use seasonal veggies where you can!
Remember, seasons come and go! If winter isn’t your favourite time of year, know that it won’t last forever. Before you know it, warmer days will return. Embrace being cosy and hang in there!