5 Simple Self-Care Tips For Stressful Times

  1. Get out into nature.

    Spending time in nature has been shown to reduce stress and relieve anxiety. Daily connection with nature is so important particularly when we are dealing with high levels of stress.

  2. Breath-work.

    Deep breathing is an incredibly effective way to reduce stress. Regularly checking in on your breath and dedicating 5-20 minutes a day to a meditation will promote a sense of calm and wellbeing.

  3. Gratitude.

    Practising gratitude daily can have a profound impact on your mood, outlook and overall well-being. Writing down 3 things you are grateful for morning and night is a great place to start.

  4. Spending time with loved ones.

    Spending time with people who make us feel safe and calm is a great way to manage stress. Talking things through may help you find solutions to your problems.

  5. Eating well.

    Supporting our body with extra nutrients is a great way to protect your body from stress. Focusing on nourishing whole-foods, hydration and lots of fruit and veg!


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